People who love to eat are the happiest people. Foods can be the ultimate source of happiness and elevate your mood at the instant time. Go for some of the proven foods that will help you boost your mood and happy hormones will start swirling inside you ! Here are some foods that make you happy.
Brown Rice
Brown rice can cause a great relief from the anxiety and depression according to the research from BMC Psychiatry. Further, brown rice can assist you in fighting with anemia. You can find brown rice as well as varieties of rice in our take-away-menu.
Your mom might have always pressed you heavy charges on leaving veggies at plates. She is always right. Green leafy vegetables including spinach are high in magnesium that works as an antidepressant. Refer to our take-away-menu for varieties of vegetables (saag).
Australian researchers published the fact that abundant chicken on the menu can reduce depression as well as improve self-esteem in study groups. We have introduces cool varieties of chicken like Chicken Nuggets, Chicken korma , Chicken Tikka Masala from the kids menu. Help your children to boost their mood and strength.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is rich in calcium that stimulates neurotransmitters, helping you for your wellbeing and boosting the feeling of contentment. Our cuisines all away from India gives you the best selection of food served with curd.
Red Pepper
Indian Cuisines are all about spices and red pepper is the heart of most of the Indian dishes. High concentration of vitamins help improve your mood . Kashmir dishes are enriched with red pepper and several other spices .