Indian Cuisine are considered to be one of the oldest cuisines. Indian taste is known to be the mixture of 6 different tastes. The first is sweet, known as madhura. Lavana is named for salty, amala for sour, katu for pungent, tikka for bitter and kasya for astringent. Some of the unbelievable facts of the Indian Cuisines you might like to know:
1) India- Land of Spices
India produces the largest spices all around the world. If you are planning to cook any Indian recipes, make sure you are getting the delicious plates of tantalizing aromas, tangy flavors and vibrant colors. India has wonderful stories beyond the spices
2) Chicken Tikka- Originated from Scotland
Introduced in Glasgow of Scotland. This delicious cuisine from Kashmir, including Chicken Tikka, is supposed to have originated from Scotland.
3) Kashmiri Cooking- Wazwan with Boiled Spices
This traditional Kashmiri cooking Wazwan has high Asian Influence. The astonishing fact about this traditional cooking is that spices are boiled instead of frying. Boiling is expected to give a distinct aroma and flavor.
4) Dum Biryani- Story behind the Origin
Nawab from Awadh, a highly generous king was facing an acute shortage of food in his kingdom. So, he ordered the meal to be cooked for poor in huge handis that was sealed using dough and covered closely by a lid. This originated a new food dum biryani.
5) Staple Ingredients-Guess the origins?
Staple ingredients like tomato, potato, and chili from the Indian cuisines were introduced by the Portuguese.
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